Alzheimer’s Association names new 18th District Chapter Ambassador

Virginia Mock, 84, of Macomb has been named the Alzheimer’s Association-Central Illinois Chapter’s new Ambassador for the 18th Congressional District. In this volunteer position, she will act as a constituent leader on Alzheimer’s disease and will cultivate a working relationship with Congressman Aaron Schock. She’ll meet with Schock four times a year and participate in monthly teleconferences with Association staff and fellow ambassadors across the country.

“In just the last couple of months, I have found myself again,” Virginia explained as to why she wanted to serve. “I have just come to the conclusion I have to have my own life, some job to do. For me, it’s being part of the outside world. And this is something I care about.”

The former teacher is now a full-time caregiver for her husband, Gordon, a retired Western Illinois University math professor. He has had dementia for nearly 20 years, she said.

Virginia, a feisty woman who still goes to the Y to work out three times a week, now has to do most things for him. Still, their love carries her through. “I do love him dearly. I’m hoping we’ll be able to go along together for quite a while,” she said.

The Alzheimer's Association – Central Illinois Chapter is a donor-supported, not-for-profit health organization serving 20 counties in Illinois. For additional information or for help, please visit the website at or call 800.272.3900.


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