We Need Your Photo...And Your Memories!

The Tazewell County Genealogical & Historical Society is planning a pictorial history of “Good Old Pekin High School.” 

When our old school was suddenly in the news again a few weeks ago, several of our members were reminiscing about their days at Pekin High School. For some it was where they spent all their high school years and for others West Campus was just the beginning. 

As we shared we realized there were likely hundreds of stories out there that needed to be captured and saved. Many families had four generations attend school in the same building. It was not uncommon for parent and child to have some of the same teachers! One of the families in the discussion had four generations of sports history, including the good-lookin’ guy in the back of this photograph of the 1932 football team. His nephew would later be a member of the 1951 baseball team that won state!

We want to celebrate the lives that passed through the halls of West Campus. If you climbed those steps, hung-out in the Dragons Den or ‘did time’ in the Dean’s office, we want to hear from you. If you have photos or memories to share, please contact us at 309-477-3044, visit our website at www.tcghs.org or drop by at 719 N 11 th St., Pekin.


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