Road Construction Ahead!


Court Street Update

The City of Pekin took over Jurisdiction of Court Street from IDOT in 2019. Staff and a consultant engineering firm, Hanson Professional Services, have been working on plans to improve the corridor. The Court Street Rehabilitation Project has been split into three sections for ease of construction and to minimize disruption to the public.

  • Section One: Veterans Drive to Hilltop Drive
    • Completed in 2021

  • Section Two: Hilltop Drive to Stadium Drive
    • Scheduled and budgeted to begin in 2023. We have run into delays with land acquisition from property owners along the corridor, but we are still hoping to start late this year.
    • This section will be a two construction season project. Unfortunately, it will get worse before it gets better.
    • This project will include all new curbs and sidewalks, a new asphalt surface, all new inlets, some new storm sewer pipes, and some water main work (paid for by Illinois American Water). The configuration of the road on Court Street will remain the same with two lanes in each direction and a bi-directional turn lane in the center. The intersection of Parkway and Court will be completely re-built and re-configured. A new traffic signal will be added at Stadium Drive to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians to the high school and football stadium.
    • Plans and specifications are complete. See link below.

    • The bid date of this project cannot be scheduled until all Right of Way is purchased from adjacent land owners, so the exact time that construction will begin cannot yet be determined. Staff has been working to acquire the necessary property to move all power poles and widen the sidewalk.


  • Section Three: Stadium Drive to 8th Street
    • Planned to be bid out immediately after construction on section two is complete.
    • Preliminary (phase 1) plans are already complete and approved by IDOT. See link to the project development report below.

    • This project will also include all new curbs and sidewalks, a new asphalt surface, all new inlets, some new storm sewer pipes, and some water main work (paid for by Illinois American Water). The configuration of the road on Court Street will remain the same with two lanes in each direction and a bi-directional turn lane in the center.
    • Staff plans to begin Right of Way acquisition on this section as soon as all Right of Way is completed in section two.


Derby Street Update

The Derby Street Rehabilitation Project has been split into two sections. Both sections involve a complete removal and replacement of the road, with all new curbs, sidewalks, pavement. All sanitary sewers are being lined in advance of the projects. A camera was used to evaluate all storm sewer pipes in advance, and all pipes that are in poor condition will be replaced as part of this project. Some water main work will also be completed as part of this project (paid for by Illinois American Water).


  • Section One: 8th Street to 14th Street, including a portion of 14th Street
    • Will include a new intersection configuration at 14th Street so that southbound traffic can go straight through the intersection.
    • The project was recently awarded to Otto Baum Company, and they plan to begin work in early June.
    • Storm sewer and water main replacement will take place before any pavement is replaced, so it will get worse before it gets better.
    • The project is planned to take two construction seasons.
    • During the construction, Derby Street will be one-way heading eastbound to allow the contractor to close and re-construct half of the pavement at a time. All businesses will have at least one point of access throughout the project.
    • Please use alternate routes, such as Koch Street or Park Street, during construction if you are able.
    • See the plans & specifications in the link below.

Derby Street Rehabilitation Bid Package


  • Section Two: 8th Street to 2nd Street
    • Still in planning phase.



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