
Showing posts from December, 2017


CEFCU is pleased to announce that members now have the ability to access Masterpassā„¢ by MastercardĀ®, a digital wallet that can be accepted at millions of locations ā€“ online, in-store, and in-app.  Any CEFCU Debit Mastercard or Credit Mastercard may be used with Masterpass.                 Masterpass is easy to set up and use.  Simply add your CEFCU Debit Mastercard or Credit Mastercard and make purchases quickly and securely online or in-app wherever you see the Masterpass button. You may also use the Masterpass Androidā„¢ app with an Android phone running Kit Kat (4.4) or higher in-store, wherever you see the contactless-enabled symbol.  Masterpass purchases are protected by layers of security and when you pay in-store a one-time number is used instead of your actual credit or debit card number. Users simply click the Masterpass button online or in-app, or tap & pay with a compatible Androi...

Welcome To Our Newest Member

Cash Store 3324 Court St.  Pekin, IL 61554 1-309-346-2274 Website Cash Store has been a trusted provider of cash loans with competitive terms and high approval rates since 1996. They have over 340 locations in 7 states - providing a better alternative to payday loans. Their loans give you more time to pay back with smaller payment amounts and no overnight wait. Their experienced service team makes it quick and easy for almost anyone to get the cash they need whenever the need arises. The Cash Store is committed to delivering the best customer service possible to assist you with your cash loans.


Illinois Central College will hold several informational sessions for its Highway Construction Careers Training Program, with program applications and TABE testing available at each session. There is no registration or fees required.  The Highway Construction Careers Training Program (HCCTP) at Illinois Central College is a grant-funded program sponsored by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The goal of the Highway Construction Careers Training Program is to increase the number of minorities, women and disadvantaged individuals working in the construction trades. The program is a 12-week free training course that focuses on preparing individuals for a successful building trade application process by increasing math skills, job readiness, and technical skills. Training also includes OSHA 10-hour certification, Forklift and Aerial Lift Certification, and First Aid/CPR certification. Upon successful completion of the program, students will have the skills necessary to see...

Tomorrow's Hope Christian Academy


ICC Offers Extended Hours in January for Spring 2018 Enrollment

               Illinois Central College will offer extended hours in January for the convenience of students interested in enrolling for the spring 2018 semester, which begins on Tues., Jan. 16. In addition to regular business hours of 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, ICC will be open on Sat., January 6 and 13, from 9 am to 1 pm at the East Peoria Campus. The College will also offer extended hours for Quick Start on Mondays at the Peoria Campus and on Tuesdays at the East Peoria Campus.  Offices are open until 7 pm in December and until 8 pm in January for QuickStart events. QuickStart is an expedited way for potential students to get through the steps of enrolling all in one day. No appointment is necessary. Free parking is available in Lots A and B on the East Peoria Campus, as well as the Visitors Lot. ICC is closed December 23 through January 1 for the holidays. Classes start Tues., January 16. The class schedule is available onli...


Groundbreaking new initiative will equip 1.2 million people with vital digital skills and Goodwill, the United Statesā€™ leading workforce development nonprofit, have announced the launch of the Goodwill Digital Career Accelerator. Funded by a $10 million grant from and with the assistance of 1,000 Google volunteers, the new Goodwill initiative will enable more than one million people ā€” including people with disabilities and disadvantages, youth, older workers, veterans and military families, and people who are transitioning back into society ā€” to receive digital skills training over the next three years. To launch the initiative, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and President Jacquelline Fuller visited with Goodwill Industries International President and CEO Jim Gibbons and Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania President and CEO Mike Smith at the Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania headquarters in Pittsburgh to participate in a Digital Skills Career Day, a ...


Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois has received a $2,000 grant from Ameren Illinois to be used for Goodwillā€™s GoodJobs program. The GoodJobs program provides young adults, ages 16-19, with employment resources and job skills training. During the two week program, participants attend soft skills courses, receive assistance with resume writing, participate in mock interviews and complete on-the-job training at one of Goodwillā€™s retail stores. The program culminates in a hiring event that features employers specific to the 16-19 age group. The program is free of charge and also includes on-going support; weekly job leads lists and access to future monthly hiring events. ā€œThis grant will help us give our young people the best possible start on entering the workforce and taking the first steps to successful a career,ā€ said Samantha Kinsey, Goodwill Youth Services Program Manager. The grant was made through the Ameren Cares program, which connects Ameren Illinois to the communities ...

Central Illinois Solar Training Pipeline Program

Central Illinois Solar Training Pipeline Program --- Tues., Dec. 19, 2017 11 am --- ICC Peoria Campus Arbor 112 (Multi-Purpose Room) 5407 N. University St., Peoria Thanks to a $1 million grant from Commonwealth Edison, Illinois Central College, along with more than 15 community organizations and businesses, will offer a program designed to build a workforce training program for solar technicians. ICC will serve as fiscal and lead agent for the Central Illinois Solar Workforce Pipeline Training Program , with Illinois Peopleā€™s Action/Heavenā€™s View Community Development Corp. and Tri-County Urban League acting as key partners. Additional information, including a news release, will be available at the press conference. Featured speakers: Dr. Sheila Quirk-Bailey ā€“ President, ICC Dr. Rita Ali ā€“ Vice President of Diversity and Community Impact, ICC Rev. Tony Pierce - Illinois Peopleā€™s Action / Heavenā€™s View Community Development Corporation Lar...

ICC Opens Scholarship Application January 15 for 2018-19 Academic Year

Illinois Central College is encouraging students who intend to enroll for the fall 2018 semester to apply for its scholarships. The ICC Educational Foundation offers more than 600 scholarships worth more than $750,000 to students attending in the coming academic year. Students may apply for the scholarships from January 15, 2018, until 11:59 pm on April 1, 2018 , using the online application system. Please note: The link will be active as of January 15, 2018.                           The online application process is simple, and by completing one application, students are automatically considered for every scholarship for which they are eligible. Go online to view a complete listing of all available ICC scholarships at . Questions about scholarships or the application process may be directed to Stephanie Holmes at (309) 694-...

December Grand Prize Winners

Congratulations to all of the Grand Prize winners.  The big door prize drawing was held at the December Puttin' on Pekin breakfast.  Each of the 12 prize packages were valued at over $375.  (See list below of  those who donated.)  All of the entries from the previous 2017 breakfasts were entered into the drawing and you had to be present today to win. Renna Hadsall, the events manager for the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce presented the winners with their prizes.  Congratulations to Joel Catlin, Dave Osborn, Ken Coulter, Manda Brown, Cathy Gray, Baylee Gambetti, Amy Hasty, Jim McClary, Kim Bunting, Heather Calvin, Greg Ranney, and Drew Lockwood. Click here to pictures of all the winners: A huge thank you to these businesses who contributed to the big door prize packages:  Alexandra Sinacori, Associated Bank, Beachbody/Teresa Mack, Big R of Pekin, BodyWealth Massage, CEFCU, City of Pekin, Classy...

December Puttin' On Pekin Recap

100 chamber members and guests attended the December 8th Puttin' On Pekin breakfast held at the Avanti's Dome  Events and Sports Center.  The Grace United Methodist Church players presented a preview of their upcoming Christmas program.  The emcee, Drew Lockwood from Velde Lincoln Volvo of Peoria, presented the Early Prize to Dave Osborn from Trouble Free Heating & Cooling.  Committee member John Plunket presented the Spotlight on Business Award to Debbie Fornoff Interior Design & Draperies.  Committee member Debbie Fornoff presented a Blue Ribbon Award to Vince Udry from Udry Jewelry.  Committee member Manda Brown presented a Blue Ribbon Award to Brigette Sullivan from Classy Girl Boutique.  Committee member Greg Ranney presented the Sunshine Award to Brian Byrne and Lynn Johnson from the Pekin Outreach Initiative.   The Late Prize went to Jordan Matthews from OSF.  You can see more pictures from this event at:  https://photos...

December Business After Hours Recap

Inspired Style Company and Hot Shots Pizza and Slots co-hosted the December Business After Hours.  The two Sunset Plaza businesses offered tours, and provided a great holiday atmosphere, including pizza, cookies and drinks. Michelle Bohm (Inspired Style Company) and Ryan Wozniak (Hot Shots Pizza and Slots) also shared with the attendees additional information about their businesses.  You can see more pictures from this event at:

Neighborhood House Toy Shop

There is still time to register for the Neighborhood House Toy Shop! Neighborhood House is making Christmas brighter for kids.  Different businesses and organizations are busy collecting toys for the 82 nd Annual Toy Shop. Parents who are working or going to school can pre-register for the Toy Shop November 20 through December 8 at Neighborhood House, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and the cost to register is $10. Those that wish to register must bring the following documents: 1) Photo ID 2) Birth certificates for all children or proof of guardianship (insurance or medical card with your name and childrenā€™s names) and 3) Proof of employment or paystub, school enrollment, or current unemployment statement (not required for retired grandparents). Neighborhood House is proud to continue our tradition of helping families, help themselves this holiday season. 

Breakfast with Santa 2017

Gather your family for a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast at Soldwedel's annual Santa Breakfast! Get your picture taken with Santa, bundle up for a sleigh ride and enjoy Reindeer games and a holiday craft to take home! Just $5 per person, children under 2 are free! Saturday, Dec 9th at Soldwedel Program Center from 8:30am to 11:00am. Tickets can be purchased in person the day of or online at Soldwedel Program Center is located at 207 McNaughton Park Rd, Pekin, IL just outside of Pekin off of Route 98.

Are You Paying Your Employees Correctly?

December 14 @ 1 p.m. EST  / 10 a.m. PST December 14 @ 1 p.m. EST  / 10 a.m. PST Is your small business compliant with employee payment laws? In this webinar, Jessica Hubbard-Davis and Julia Darcy of Paychex will cover the most critical components of paying your employees. Register Now Ā»

Stegers Renovations

Representatives from the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Pekin held a ribbon cutting at Steger's Furniture on December 1.  The Steger family and staff were celebrating the recent completion of the major renovations of their store at 818 Court Street.  More pictures from this event can be seen at: